Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 1
OB is flagged left of fairway. • Relief area: Inside
flags or on the roof of the shed / garden (mid-fairway) you must proceed to the designated DZ with no
penalty. The DZ is located by the tree on the basket side of the shed
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 2
On or beyond the paved driveway on the left is OB.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 3
OB flagged right fairway. OB flagged left along creek in #9 fairway.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 4
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 5
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 6
Mando: Triple mando. Missed mando go to DZ
(located adjacent to right mando tree) with penalty. • You may take casual relief from any construction materials along fence on right side of fairway. • Relief area: Do not throw from within the flagged debris area (mid-fairway). Proceed to the relief DZ no penalty. • Steep cliff approx. 75 ft past and left of basket. The cliff is not flagged but if your disc goes over it is OB. Take two meters relief from cliff edge for your subsequent throw.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 7
Past property fence on right is OB. You may take two-meter relief from fence on this hole.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 18
OB is flagged in front of the basket. • The bridge top surface is in bounds (not OB).
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 9
OB is flagged along creek which plays as a river.
• Relief area: Inside the flagged woodpile (near
basket) you must proceed to the designated DZ with no penalty. The DZ is adjacent to the wood pile.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 10
Throw to long basket on the left side of the creek. Mando: Must throw left of mando tree. Missed mando go to DZ adjacent to mando tree. • OB is flagged along both sides of the creek that dissects the fairway. The flagged creek plays as a river until the bridge then it becomes OB in-and-beyond relative to which basket you are playing to.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 11
OB flagged river directly in front of tee pad.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 12
OB is flagged for the creek bed along with the
triangle formed by it and the property fence. For ANY OB (flagged creek and/or property fence) on #12 proceed to the DZ with penalty. The DZ is located on the basket side of the bridge.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 13
OB past property fence on right of fairway.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 14
Relief area: Do not throw from within the flagged crevice. Proceed to the relief DZ no penalty. The DZ is the short tee pad. • OB past property fence on right. • Beyond flagged OB deep right along gravel parking area. • Flagged OB past basket.
***DO NOT descend into the Relief area to retrieve discs. Staff will retrieve discs periodically and place in lost & found. Feel free to let staff know you have a disc there after your round.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 15
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 16
Mando (for long tee pad only): Must throw left of mando tree. Missed mando go to DZ adjacent to mando tree with penalty. • OB flagged lake on left of fairway.
Flat Creek Winery Estate Tee 17
Mando: Must throw left of mando tree located
immediately in front of tee pad. Missed mando re-tee (the tee pad is the DZ) with penalty. • OB flagged lake and spillway left of fairway and basket.
FCE tee sign 18_nadgt
OB flagged lakes. • Take Relief from heater apparatus in fairway. Use associated DZ with no penalty • Additional OB is flagged around the basket landing area.
***DO NOT walk through the sensitive wetland
area at the end of the fairway. Please go around.